Yes, you’ve read it right! A free language lesson, giving your new year’s language learning resolution the best possible kickstart.

Are you a fan of setting new year’s resolutions? I’m not. Here’s why…

At the turn of every year, thousands of people worldwide resolve to learn a foreign language. Yet, like so many best laid plans, good intentions fade and die by the end of January. Along with the detox diet, the gym membership, the no drinking, and no smoking.

It’s been scientifically proven that when people set a goal on 1st January, they’re 62% less likely to achieve that goal than if they set the goal later in the year.

In fact, 17th January is officially recognised as Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day. Just 17 days for all these great intentions to be abandoned. But, fear not!

Take Your Free Language Lesson in January or Later in the Year

Here’s the ideal win:win solution to help buck the trend of failed resolutions. Book and pay for your 1:1 lessons, in the language of your choice, in January. But, you don’t have to start in January if you don’t want to. (If you do, that’s great. Let’s get your first free language lesson in the diary as soon as possible.)

The choice is yours. Go hell for leather with your new year’s resolution on Zoom, (due to the current closure  of the Manchester school in adherence to lockdown restrictions).

Or, if you’re a resolution doubter like me, take the free language lesson at a later date. To get started at your leisure, when you’re ready. On-site in-person in Manchester when the school re-opens. Or, whenever you like via Zoom.

Our gift, from us at La Academia, to you, with our compliments, remains the same. Because your free language lesson will be honoured. Whether you decide to learn a foreign language sooner or later. We can’t wait to book you in, by phone, or email –

T – 0161 491 1444

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