Foreign languages are a compulsory subject in Primary Schools at KS2 (Year 3 to Year 6). Schools can teach any modern foreign language (MFL), and the learning should “lay the foundations” for foreign language learning at secondary school. It does not matter if the language your primary school offers is French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese or any other Modern Foreign Language – as long as the students are developing their language learning skills.
La Academia teaches at Primary Schools from Stockport to Worsley and Hyde to Warrington, and offers French, Spanish or Mandarin. Why should you consider using la Academia?
The foreign language required by the curriculum is high
Primary school students are expected to be able to:
- Listen carefully to spoken language and be able to join in and respond to the language they hear
- Engage in conversations, ask and answer questions, express their own opinions and respond to those of others
- Ask for clarification and help when needed
- Read simple texts and show understanding of words and phrases
- Extend their vocabulary and develop their ability to understand new words, including by using a dictionary
- Write phrases from memory, and adapt them to create new sentences
- Express their ideas clearly
- Describe people, places, objects and actions verbally and in writing
Not all primary schools have a language specialist
Teaching languages is very challenging – most primary schools do not have a language specialist on their staff. Relying on parents can be hit or miss. OfSTED will observe language lessons – do you have enough expertise in-house?
Planning and preparation is time-consuming
To achieve all the requirements above demands a lot of planning, preparation and teaching. Even for teachers with language qualifications at A level or above it’s a challenge to devote the time needed to do this successfully. La Academia offers a successful and popular MFL programme in Primary schools, for all ages. Our tried and tested lesson plans combined with experienced, professional and child-centred teachers teach children these key skills through age-appropriate games, challenges, songs and stories.
La Academia offer classes in French, Mandarin Chinese and Spanish to KS1 and KS2 in curriculum time. We also offer after school language clubs, and many schools use our trained early years MFL teachers for PPA cover.
See case studies of our work in local Primary Schools here: Holy Trinity – Spanish for KS1 and KS2, Moss Hey Primary and Woodheys Primary.
Free trial lesson:
For a trial lesson at your school, contact la Academia on 0161 491 1444. We’ll explain more and arrange a date and time for a trial lesson with one of your classes.