English as a foreign language lessons are often enlisted by leading UK football, rugby and tennis teams for very good reasons.

Imagine arriving in a strange country with little or no working knowledge of the native language.

That’s exactly the position players, coaches, and Managers can find themselves in when relocating to the UK.

Throw in to the mix that there might be high levels of press and public interest in them. It must be nothing short of terrifying.

Body language and tacit communication are key components that can elevate an average sports team to a dream team. But players and teams are on to a winner when they take English as a foreign language lessons, enabling them to communicate verbally, too.

We’ve compiled a checklist of the main reasons sports clubs register their new signings from abroad for English as a foreign language lessons –

  • Team bonding – Many Managers believe it’s best practice for English to be the common language at UK clubs, allowing for ease of meaningful communication across all levels.
  • Intensive learning – A short sharp burst of English as a foreign language lessons rapidly equips new inbound players with workable English when they first arrive in the UK.
  • Home Office criteria – Sportspeople aren’t exempt from Home Office stipulations about minimum levels of English competency required for working in the UK. Failure isn’t an option for new signings. So, English as a foreign language lessons can be critical.
  • Apprentices and junior playersEnglish as a foreign language lessons can have a positive impact for younger novice players under the age of 18, who might also opt for other core subjects at GSCE and A-Level.

At La Academia, we have longstanding experience of dealing with sportspeople. We understand how daunting it can be for them to arrive in the UK without much experience of the English language.

Our goal is providing them with English as a foreign language lessons that improve their communication skills with immediate effect, in the complete confidentiality that’s requisite for dealing with sportspeople in the public eye.