As a Manchester-based translation company, La Academia deals with a wide variety of translation requests from our clients. Whether you need to translate your company’s marketing materials, brochure, data sheets, white papers or user manuals, you must ensure that you get the right translators, with experience in your field.
Our translators all translate into their native language, which is the best way to ensure idiomatic, fluent translations in the target language. We offer business translation into Spanish, German, Italian, French, Russian and Chinese amongst others – contact us if you have a translation requirement in another language and we will help find a suitable translator.
Increasingly, clients are looking to translate their websites into other languages; our own website is of course available in both Spanish and English, and if we weren’t so busy translating for clients we’d roll it out in more languages!
Give us a ring and let us know which languages you are interested in and a sample of the documents you want to have translated, and we’ll do the rest!