When it comes to exceeding as language learners, there are many indications the female of the species is winning the battle of the sexes. And recent findings from the University of California San Diego’s Rady School of Management suggest it’s a trend that sets in from an early age.
Anya Samek, Associate Professor of Economics and a co-author of the study told US San Diego Today: “We find girls are better… than boys in grades three through seven. Because girls are more likely to do well in language fields early in life, they may find themselves more inclined to choose them for majors and careers.”
But what are the reasons behind the metrics?
What better time than International Women’s Day on 8th March to take a closer look?
What Makes Females Better Language Learners Than Their Male Counterparts?
In the 21st century, the line continues to blur between what are considered traditional male and female characteristics. But here are a few explanations why female language learners might be racing ahead of male students:
- Natural Affinity – Listening. Understanding. Reading body language. All these aptitudes contribute to an innate empathy that serves language learners.
- Talk More – Controversial, perhaps! But females have always been perceived as the chatterboxes of the genders. If this is the case, it’s a great big tick in the box for expedited language learning.
- Steadfastness – Females are apparently more inclined to persevere despite difficulties. This means they’re more willing than males to accept and learn from dropping clangers, which is, after all, par for the course when learning a new language.
- Family Ties – Women are more likely than men to keep a language alive if two (or more) sides of the family speak different languages. For example, it’s usually Mum who ensures the children are able to have conversations with friends and relatives who speak in other languages.
At La Academia, we wish a happy International Women’s Day to all our amazing female language learners and teachers. But our equally brilliant male students and teachers shouldn’t feel left out. So, watch this space for International Men’s Day in November.