La Academia’s reputation as a good partner for language services continues to grow! We were recently approached by the University of Barcelona (Uniba) to help them with programmes for Spanish students learning to teach Spanish as a foreign language.

Joint Spanish teaching programme – la Academia and Uniba

Uniba sent over students who are training to be Spanish teachers for an 8-week experience.  la Academia provided them with the opportunity to observe Spanish lessons, and to shadow our Spanish teachers in preparation and delivery of Spanish classes.

The course was very practical, as the students from Spain were able to observe a range of teaching styles and learning methods. The English students had a wide variance in language levels and were of different ages and backgrounds. By coming to la Academia the future Spanish teachers had access to a wider range of students than in Barcelona.

At the end of their 8-week stay the students were able to deliver a Spanish lesson themselves, drawing upon the lessons they had learned from observing la Academia’s team.

Why did University of Barcelona choose la Academia?

For Uniba, it would have taken a lot of planning and visits to the UK to set up a programme like this for their students. La Academia were able to draw upon our network of students and teachers to provide a varied experience for the Spanish teaching students.

Results of the trainee Spanish teachers’ programme

We were very proud to see the first students give a lesson at the end of their stay.  To see how much they had learned and how their confidence had grown was a joy.  We are delighted to have been part of their development as future Spanish teachers, and look forward to welcoming more students from Barcelona in the future!