New Year seems a long time ago now. And whatever well meant resolution you started on January 1st, it’s probably long since been forgotten. But is it too late for a language learning resolution you can keep in 2019?
In 2017 a YouGov poll in the UK revealed that the most common New Year’s resolutions were to eat better, exercise more, spend less money and get more sleep. Another 2017 poll conducted by Bupa asked 2,000 people whether they expect to stick to their goals. Half of those asked were not confident that they could, while 20 per cent admitted to setting overly ambitious and potentially unsustainable goals
Bit depressing? No – it’s potentially a good thing as the pressure is off. Now we’re in February it’s time to reflect and then set out to shape your 2019, in a clear and considered way. Now you stand every chance of achieving your goals. We’ll come back to this shortly –and suggest a great goal which will be easy to achieve and change your life.
It’s believed that making New Year’s resolutions started around 4,000 years ago. The Babylonians celebrated the Akita New Year Festival on the first new moon after the spring equinox. It was a major festival that lasted 11 days. They made resolutions to keep themselves in their gods’ good books – things like getting out of debt or returning borrowed farm equipment. It was Julius Caesar who named January 1st ‘New Year’s Day’, when he labelled January after Janus, the Roman god of beginnings.
What about now? Instead of berating yourself for failing with your resolutions, why not set a new one? According to Twitter, the third most popular goal people have is to learn a new skill. We suggest learning a new language with la Academia. All you have to do is take the first step and call us – we’ll make sure you stay motivated to achieve your goal. Just think – by summer you could be able to speak a new language –and that could mean a new career.