It’s said that the people make the place. And it’s certainly true at La Academia, where we’re proud to have some of the leading language teachers in Manchester, (and, in our opinion, in the world!).

So, there’s no better time than World Teachers Day on 5th October to give them a ginormous shout out. After all, it’s a day of celebration that’s especially apt for our amazing team members. They come from all over the world. They teach students from all over the world. And they give the gift of languages from all over the world.

You might have read our ‘In the Staffroom’ series if you’re a regular to our newsfeed. It’s an opportunity to lift the curtain on the people behind the lessons, and to discover the impact that language has had on their lives and careers.

Here’s a few highlights if you missed them first time around.

Memorable ‘In the Staffroom’ Moments with Language Teachers at Manchester’s La Academia

  • FrenchElisabeth Diamantidis – “Helping people learning French and getting something from the experience, it’s so enriching. Each student is unique, not only because of their original country, but because of their experience, needs… It’s rewarding to adjust the teaching and find special solutions for each one.”

La Academia French Teacher Elisabeth Diamantidis

  • SpanishSilvi Hilman – “I teach Spanish to the mini ones at La Academia. I love interacting with them and teaching them through songs, puppets, stories… they absolutely love it!”

La Academia Spanish Teacher Silvi Hilman

  • Hebrew Judith Romang – “I never lose my fascination for seeing how the language and customs developed in Israel itself have a ripple effect around the world. It’s a magical language, full of culture and history – a millennial language brought into modernity by everyday life.”

La Academia's Hebrew language teacher Judith Romang

  • ChineseVivien Hom – “After I became a mum, I started focusing on teaching Mandarin Chinese as my career. It’s a win:win. I really enjoy it. And I’m proud to teach the language and culture I love.”

Vivien Hom Chinese Teacher

  • ArabicWarka Ali Al Wandawi – “My career has developed in such a way that I feel obliged to spread my passion. So, I’ve adopted creative methods and I’ve even come up with my own tools to teach the Arabic language.”

  • SpanishMiryam Lora Yuste – “I have extensive experience in English and Spanish language teaching, and a genuine passion for helping other people enrich their lives with languages.”

  • JapaneseGill Hall – “Over the past 10 years or so I’ve been sharing my love of the Japanese language with La Academia students, privately, and on a one-to-one basis, mainly taking students to GSCE standard, and sometimes beyond.”

But don’t just take our word for it. Come and meet the greatest language teachers in Manchester for yourself, either in-person at the school in Cheadle, or on-screen via Zoom.

At La Academia, we’ve got brilliant teachers in ALL languages. Get in touch for a chat about the language you want to learn from scratch, or polish up to intermediate or advanced level.