La Academia provides Woodheys Primary School with a Spanish teacher, Melody Valois, who has been teaching pupils at KS1 and KS2 for several years. With September 2014 and compulsory provision of MFL in Primary Schools getting closer every day, this case study shows how the Primary MFL Strategy is being successfully implemented at one school.

Spanish is the second-most-spoken language globally, after Chinese, and starting Spanish in Primary can really give the children a head start in life. The cultural experience is also important, and for those children who may not have the opportunity to travel to a Spanish-speaking country the activities they have enjoyed, including Spanish art, Spanish dancing, and pen-pal and Skype friendships with Spanish school children have added to their  understanding and enjoyment of their MFL lessons.

This is just a part of what has been happening as part of the Spanish lessons in this Primary School – for the whole story read the case study, here, and if you’d like to discuss how la Academia could provide something similar for your school – whether in Spanish, French, Italian or even Chinese, contact us here.