Recently, one of the nursery schools where we teach Spanish was kind enough to send us some fantastic comments from the staff and teachers about our Spanish sessions.
The nursery staff said “The Spanish lessons are always fun, engaging and exciting for the children. The children use the Spanish they have learned within nursery e.g. counting and knowing the colours. It has been fantastic for the children to be taught be someone who speaks Spanish as their first language and who is also warm and friendly”. We really appreciate this feedback, as our aim is to make learning Spanish fun and natural for the children. We use songs and games, which children of nursery school age love, and while they are enjoying themselves they don’t even notice that they are learning Spanish.
The parents were also very happy with the children’s Spanish skills, and that they are developing confidence in speaking. Their comments included:
“At first I was hesitant about M doing Spanish lessons but he absolutely loves it! Each day he asks ‘Is it Spanish today?’ and he frequently uses words he’s learnt at home. He even has his younger brother shouting ‘adios’ when we leave nursery!”
“I really enjoys Spanish; she has been teaching her mummy and her big sister some words. She is looking forward to using her Spanish words on holiday”
“D loves his Spanish. He has been telling us about his lessons, teaching me how to count. I think it is amazing that they have had this opportunity so young”.
The fact that the children are using their Spanish so naturally and confidently is a testament to la Academia’s teaching methodology and our teachers. Children of nursery age pick up new languages quickly, if the teaching is appropriate to their age. Our experience in teaching Spanish in nursery schools helps us to provide Spanish lessons that are just right for nurseries.
If your nursery school would like to offer Spanish (or French!) to your children, please contact us to find out more 0161 491 1444 or – the first session is free!