It’s a nail-biting time of year for everyone who’s been waiting for A level and GCSE results recently. University places, career choices, Sixth Form choices all depend on that slip of paper. La Academia has been working with a number of local students in Stockport and Manchester to help them with GCSE and A levels. We tutor modern foreign languages (MFL) and core subjects like English, Maths and Science.

For one of la Academia’s students, Hannah, the challenge was taking on an additional modern language GCSE, starting in Year 10. Getting from the basics to a good grade in her GCSE exams in just two years was quite a test.

However, with the help of her Spanish tutor Sonia, Hannah achieved an A – congratulations on a great result!

Hannah said “Doing a GCSE in Spanish from scratch in Year 10 was harder than I thought it would be. After a few months I decided I needed some extra help. Sonia from la Academia was a great teacher and I doubt I would have achieved my A grade without her support.”

Thanks to Hannah for her kind words!  If you know any GCSE or A Level students that may need some help with MFL exams, or with Maths, English or Science, do let us know – Sonia or another of our team will be happy to help! or 0161 491 1444