by laacademia-author | Aug 30, 2022 | Beginner classes, Business language courses, courses, EFL classes, English Language Classes, English Language Tuition, ESOL classes, Evening classes, Language classes, Language school, Languages, Skype language classes
The fact that the English language is the lingua franca can lull us in to false sense of security that it’s ok to only speak English. Additionally, it can provide us with a convenient excuse for not bothering to learn any other languages. But Baroness Coussins of the...
by laacademia-author | Jul 13, 2022 | Beginner classes, EFL classes, English Language Classes, English Language Tuition, ESOL classes, Evening classes, Language classes, Language school, Languages, Skype language classes
When you’re booking EFL lessons, you don’t expect to be forewarned about words to avoid in the classroom. Why so? you’d probably think. What’s the deal with these offending words? It’s simple. There are some words that can’t be translated from their native languages...
by laacademia-author | Dec 28, 2021 | Business language courses, courses, Evening classes, Language classes, Language school
Languages for business never go out of fashion, though some languages go up and down in popularity depending on what’s going on in the world. The most traditionally popular languages for business have got strength in numbers. So, they’re likely to continue holding...
by laacademia-author | Aug 11, 2021 | Beginner classes, Chinese classes, French classes, Language classes, Language school, Languages, Latest News, Spanish classes
Language learning for young people suffered more than many other core subjects during the lockdown months of 2020-21, according to the British Council’s Language Trends Report 2021. International activities that make language learning for young people rich and vibrant...
by laacademia-author | Jun 16, 2021 | Beginner classes, Business language courses, Language classes, Language school, Languages
Learning English as a foreign language in the UK, home of the mother tongue and the lingua franca, is an enriching, gratifying, life-enhancing thing to do. But, a word of warning. The UK comprises multiple different regional dialects. As a result, there can be a touch...