What can Tailored Spanish Language Classes do for Reception Age Children?

What can Tailored Spanish Language Classes do for Reception Age Children?

Ever wondered if it’s a good idea to introduce your little ones to Spanish language classes at Reception age? Is it really helping lay solid foundations? Or just outright tiger mum (or dad)?  Let’s talk about why Spanish language classes are the perfect choice for...
Canada’s Melting Pot of Cultures and Languages

Canada’s Melting Pot of Cultures and Languages

Every 1st July, we don our red and white, wave the maple leaf, and bask in the glory of the True North. Happy Canada Day! But here’s the thing. Canada Day isn’t just about scoffing poutine, binge watching Suits, and blasting out Rush, Alanis Morrisette, Celine Dion or...
The Only Thing Standing in the Way of Your Dream Spanish Holiday is the Language Barrier

The Only Thing Standing in the Way of Your Dream Spanish Holiday is the Language Barrier

Did you know picking up a new language is one of the top activities celebrated during National Tourism Week on 5th-11th May? It’s the perfect time to brush off those travel dreams and pair them with some real proactivity – learning Spanish! Communication...