As a provider of French, Spanish and German lessons to primary schools in Manchester, Cheshire and across the North West, la Academia was interested to see that a bilingual Spanish and English primary school will open in Brighton this September.
This follows on from other primary schools which have lessons in French and German.  There are no primary schools in Manchester or the North West that are bilingual in French, German or Spanish as far as we are aware, but we think it is a great idea.
Teaching languages in primary schools gives children a real advantage. Even if the language itself is not used in later life the language learning experience is a challenge for the brain and children who speak more than one language have an intellectual advantage.
La Academia mostly teaches French, German, and Spanish but we also get asked to provide language tasters in school for Chinese, Japanese, Russian and so on, and we offer cultural experiences in primary schools in many languages.
We are excited at the primary school MFL plans and can provide experienced teachers of French, German, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and many other languages that will help primary schools teach languages with confidence.
Contact us for details of how we support primary schools looking to teach German, French, Spanish and other languages.