Spanish lessons are essential for bettering your communication skills. But, they aren’t the only thing to consider when you’re doing business with Spain.

It’s super-useful to take Spanish lessons with expert Teachers who can share the nuances of the different ways business is done in Spain.

For example, July and August are peak holiday months in Spain, much the same as the UK. But, many Spanish businesses and public sector organisations don’t just slow down. They close down completely for August.

Larger retailers and supermarket chains might open for shorter hours, such as in the morning only, rather than closing down completely for an entire month.

It reflects the work hard play hard culture of Spain, enabling the native population to enjoy the sizzling Spanish sun as much as the hoards of inbound tourists do.

Besides holiday patterns, the siesta is likely to be discussed in any Spanish lessons for business. But, the traditional afternoon nap that’s synonymous with Spain shouldn’t cast any aspersions over the national work ethic. A BBC Worklife article reassures us that…

…almost 60% of Spaniards never have a siesta… In fact, the Spanish spend far more time working than many of their counterparts in Europe. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Spaniards rack up 1,691 hours at work each year while British workers do 1,674 annually and the Germans work just 1,371 hours a year.”

At La Academia, we offer a comprehensive range of business Spanish lessons and tuition options to help you get the deals the done in Spain, providing valuable snippets to help spare you from doing or saying anything that might come across unprofessionally.

Or, you might be interested in a beginner’s Spanish course to get an initial feel for the language if you aren’t ready for more advanced business Spanish lessons just yet.

Our Spanish courses for adult beginners have become almost legendary. They fly off the shelves like Sangria from a beach bar, filling up so quickly we keep repeating them to supply to demand.

The next course starts on Thursday 17th June, at 7.00-9.00pm weekly for six weeks. It costs just £85.00 on Zoom or £120.00 in-house at La Academia.

Get in touch to book your Spanish lessons now and avoid disappointment.

Source –
It’s time to put the tired Spanish siesta stereotype to bed by Jessica Jones, BBC Worklife