by laacademia-author | May 11, 2017 | KS2 languages, Language classes, MFL in primaries, Spanish classes
la Academia’s teachers teach all aspects of the French or Spanish language from Reception to Year 6. They teach written and spoken languages in fun sessions using songs, stories and rhymes . This makes the classes enjoyable, and the children learn in a natural way....
by laacademia-author | Apr 24, 2017 | KS2 languages, Languages, MFL in primaries
Recently we asked some of our primary school Spanish students to feed back to us about their experience with la Academia. We’re really pleased with the high ratings they gave la Academia and the teachers involved. It was really interesting to hear the young people’s...
by laacademia-author | Jan 15, 2016 | A level MFL, GCSE MFL, KS2 languages, Languages, Latest News
The University Council of Modern Languages (UCML) has “major concerns” about the current state of, and proposed changes to, GCSE and A-level Modern Languages. 9 professors and other senior language specialists wrote to the Chief Regulator of Ofqual, who oversee...
by laacademia-author | Nov 24, 2015 | GCSE MFL, GCSE Tuition, KS2 languages, Languages
How many GCSE language options does your school offer? Many state Secondary Schools are limiting the GCSE language options offered to their students – rather than having a choice of languages many students learn only one – so they can “focus” their efforts. Often...
by laacademia-author | Nov 9, 2015 | A level MFL, Chinese classes, GCSE MFL, KS2 languages, Language school
During his recent visit to China Chancellor George Osborne said that schools will get £10m of extra funding to teach Mandarin Chinese. He revealed his daughter, Liberty, was already learning China’s main language, and said that 5,000 more pupils will learn...
by laacademia-author | May 22, 2015 | KS2 languages, Language classes in schools
The OCR exam board has submitted proposals to Ofqual to develop more youth-friendly exams in MFL (Modern Foreign Languages) removing some conversational topics such as the weather, holidays and zoo visits, and instead offering topics such as tattoos and festivals. The...