by laacademia-author | Oct 8, 2023 | French classes, GCSE MFL, GCSE Tuition, Language classes, Language school, Languages, Spanish classes
It might feel like one exam season has only just wrapped up. But it’s already time to gear up for the next one. For this reason, external extra-curricular help can be your secret weapon when it comes to helping your intrepid young student ace their language...
by laacademia-author | Mar 27, 2023 | A level MFL, Evening classes, GCSE MFL, GCSE Tuition, Language school, Languages, Skype language classes
Worried about your child’s MFL GSCE and A-levels after disappointing mock results? It’s an unsettling time for you both. But, look on the bright side. Mocks are a practice run. This makes them super useful for assessing knowledge and identifying areas where students...
by laacademia-author | Nov 14, 2022 | A level MFL, GCSE English, GCSE MFL, GCSE Tuition, Languages, Skype language classes
Is your child disillusioned with getting poor marks in their language lessons and exams? Do you get frustrated every time this happens? If so, then supplementary language learning might just be the ideal solution for the pair of you. And National Educational Support...
by laacademia-author | Sep 20, 2022 | GCSE English, GCSE MFL, GCSE Tuition, Language school, Skype language classes
There’s a thought-provoking thread about GSCE tuition – ‘Is Tuition Worth It?’ – on The Student Room platform. Here’s a snapshot of genuine feedback from high school students, discussing their experiences and opinions about GSCE tuition, straight from the...
by laacademia-author | Aug 23, 2022 | GCSE MFL, GCSE Tuition, Language school, Languages
With 2022 GSCE results imminent on 25th August, MFL GCSE results are awaited with particular interest. Why? Because there is genuine concern in the education system and bodies that represent it, about the pandemic’s adverse impact on language learning for this age...
by laacademia-author | Jul 26, 2022 | GCSE MFL, GCSE Tuition, Language school, Languages, Latest News
The recently proposed changes to the MFL GCSE curriculum have split opinion between the Department of Education and the broader teaching community. The revised curriculum will focus on students learning 1,700 pre-determined words in order to make the grade in MFL GCSE...